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of Electric Current
Before Starts to our Topic- Effects
of electric current let’s understand the concept of electric current.
Electric Current: Electric current is the flow of electrons in a network
or circuit. To understand easily, just imagine of water that flows through a
pipe. The water flowing through pipes will be similar to electrons flowing
through the wires.
Whenever we switch on
then bulb starts to light, it is just due
to the heating effect of electric current, In same way whenever we turn the ceiling fan on the fan
starts to rotate it is due to the
magnetic effect of electric current. To
understand these effects of electric current in this content we will learn
about the effects of electric current with a detail description of all effects and
where it is used in applications.
There are various effects of electric
current as below.
Chemical Effect
Magnetic Effect
The Heating
Let us discuss these effects in detail one by one.
The Chemical Effect
Whenever a direct current passes through a chemical solution or
conducting liquids then the solution will be decomposed into its constituent
substances. This effect called as Chemical effect of electric current.
Electrolytes: These are
the liquids which allow the electric current to pass through them but along
with some of the chemical change.
Ionization: Basically Ionization is the process of splitting up
of the molecules into positive and negative ions in the chemical reaction.
The Chemical effect of current is
used in the following areas of applications
Ø In all Electrolytic processes
Ø For the production of different Chemicals
Ø To extract the metals from their ores.
Ø For refining of metals
Refining of
Copper will be transferred to the Cathode is totally
pure in Copper plating, even if Anode may have been made with impure Copper.
This process can be used to produce Pure Copper for electric cables.
Ø For Electrodeposition of metals
Electrodeposition of Metals used for the electroplating and
Electroplating: Plating of any one metal with another metal by using electrolysis
is known as electroplating.
Electromagnetic effect
or Magnetic effect of Electric Current
Electromagnetic effect discovered by Hans Christen Orsted On 21 April 1820, during his lecture - Orsted
had noticed a compass needle was deflected
from the magnetic north pole when an electric current from the battery was switched on and off that confirmed
a direct relationship between electricity and magnetism.
Whenever an electric current passes through a conductor or conducting
coil then magnetic field generated across it and that conductor or coil starts
to act as an electromagnet.
Where if the coil is wound on a piece of magnetic material then the piece will
acts as a magnet.
Note: Always
Electromagnetic material loses its magnetic properties as soon as that current
passing through the conductor becomes zero.
Uses of Electro Magnetic Effect of
Similar to the way people use the heating effect of current, the magnetic
effect of current also used in home electrical appliances.
Following are some of the applications
of the magnetic effect of electric current
Door Locks in houses or offices
Ear Piece
Cranes in
Steel Works & Scrap Yards
Heating Effects of
Electric Current
When there is the generation of heat that due to electric current, known as
Heating effect of Electric current.
To better understanding of Heating effect of electric current, we will
take the example of Electric Geyser.
Electric Geyser operates on the principle of Joules Law. That works on
the heat generation due to the flow of electric current through any heating
Electric Iron also works on the same principle of heat generation.
Whenever the switch will be closed when the electric current starts to flow
through the heating element which is in the form of metal coil.
These heating elements become hot due to the flow of current and that
heat is given by
= RMS Current
= Resistance of heating element
= Time
heat starts to flow around the water inside of Geyser and water becomes hot
Applications of Heating Effects of
Electric Current
Here are some the home appliances
which uses the heating effect of the current in our daily life, Lets See.
1. Electric Kettle
2. Electric Cooker
3. Electric Oven
4. Toaster
5. Water Heater
6. Clothes Iron
7. Light Bulbs
Hope You better understand that what You want to learn…
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Read also….
Here - To read Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering - Ohms Law, Current
, Voltage and Power, etc.
Here – To read Resistance, Resistivity, and Conductance,
Conductivity and Temperature effect on Resistance
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